Why should you join an organization that advocates for the private ownership and responsible care of primates and other exotic friends? Because there are powerful organizations trying to take away that right.
Who is TPOU?
Texas Primate Owners United (TPOU) is an association of professionals and members, like you, formed with a focus on providing support services, while promoting responsible primate care, and fighting legislation that seeks to unfairly regulate or prohibit the ownership of primates.
What TPOU Does for You
TPOU offers its members the following services and benefits:
- Fight anti-ownership legislation,
- Primate behaviorists and certified primate training specialists,
- In-depth husbandry education,
- Essential diet information,
- Mentoring,
- Training – modern, science-based, force-free training with positive reinforcement techniques that are used to quickly build reliable behaviors; from basic to advanced behaviors,
- Recommend enclosures and enrichment to create a natural environment,
- Help with medical emergencies,
- Rescue and outreach services,
- Safe capture,
- Quarantine,
- Workshops – hands-on workshops taught by TPOU’s expert instructors,
- A wealth of knowledge on primates.Get Involved in Primate Advocacy
Get Involved in Primate Advocacy
TPOU is a valuable primate community resource. We provide everything you need to be a responsible, caring and educated primate owner. join and support TPOU today >